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SAP General Information

All CVCC students must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to receive Federal, State, or Institutional financial aid. Your academic progress will be evaluated at the end of each semester. If you fail to meet the standards, your financial aid will be cancelled for all future semesters until the Standards of Satisfactory Progress, are achieved, in accordance with the provisions established by the United States Department of Education.

Grades of A, B, or C are REQUIRED for most students.  If you have questions, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students must meet all of the following conditions in order to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress at CVCC:

  • Maximum Time Frame - Total credits attempted must be less than 150% of the length of the primary program of study on record with the Admissions & Records office.
  • Completion Rate - Students must earn a grade of A, B, C, D, or S in at least 67% of all credits attempted on a cumulative basis. Grades of F, I, R, U, W and X are not considered satisfactory grades. **Important** Completion Rate is calculated as soon as the program has been started and the first credit has been completed.
  • Minimum GPA - Students who have attempted 1-15 credits must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.5. Students who have attempted 16-30 credits must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.75. Students who have attempted more than 30 credits must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.
  • Developmental Maximum - Students can only receive financial aid for up to 150% of the credit hours needed to complete a program.

"I just had a terrible semester. Now what happens to my financial aid? Can I appeal to keep my financial aid?"

Yes. Within about 5 days after all grades have posted for the semester, the Financial Aid Office examines each financial aid recipient for Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students who do not meet these standards will be notified in writing of the reason(s) for the loss of eligibility via their student email. For students that do not meet these standards at this time, all financial aid that has been awarded for future semesters is subject to being cancelled. However, you can appeal this decision.

If you experience unusual, mitigating circumstances, you may appeal the loss of your eligibility, in writing, by submitting the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form to the Financial Aid Office. We will consider all appeals submitted on time for the upcoming semester, in the order in which they are received. The Financial Aid Office will notify you of the decision after it has been made. All appeals must be supported with adequate documentation of circumstances, or they will not be considered. All appeal decisions are final.

SAP Appeal Form

Things the Appeal Committee considers:

  • Have you submitted adequate documentation?
  • Have you been granted an appeal approval in the past?
  • Have you addressed the cause of your SAP failure?
  • Have you demonstrated the circumstances have been corrected, and you are now ready for academic success?
  • Did you meet with an Academic Counselor/Advisor?

**Issues with instructor(s), course(s), job conflicts, transportation problem, or childcare conflicts DO NOT constitute unusual mitigating circumstances and will not be considered**

SAP Warning

"I’ve just been placed on Financial Aid Warning. What does that mean?"

Students who fail to meet SAP for the first time (excluding students who have already attempted 150% of the credits required for their programs of study) will be automatically placed in a Warning Status for one (1) semester and are expected to meet SAP requirements by the end of that term. Students who fail to meet SAP requirements at the end of the Warning term will no longer be eligible for financial aid. However, with a successful SAP appeal, those students will be placed on financial aid probation or an academic plan and will retain financial aid eligibility.

Maximum Timeframe

"I have great grades, but the e-mail said my financial aid was cancelled because I have exceeded the Maximum Credit Limit for my program. Can I appeal to keep my financial aid?"

Possibly. AA, AS and AAS Degree seeking students will have a maximum of 150% of the number of credit hours required to complete the program. Once a student has reached this maximum credit hour limit, eligibility for aid will be exhausted. Changes of program do not extend these time limits. All enrollments at the school are counted toward the maximum limit whether or not the student received aid, as do repeated courses, and transfer credits. 

You will still need to fill out an Appeal form and answer the questions regarding the Maximum Time Frame. You may need to contact your academic counselor/advisor to discuss your program of study, and whether you are making adequate progress toward completion of the program. Your counselor/advisor will assist you with explaining how many credits you have to complete before you have earned your degree/certificate.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Approval Process

"I’ve been APPROVED, so now what happens?"

If your appeal is approved by the committee, your financial aid will be reinstated only if funds are available. This is important to remember, some aid types may not be available for reinstatement once the appeal has been approved and there is no guarantee of full re-instatement of the original award(s). Depending on the type of approval, you will either be placed on Financial Aid Probation (one additional semester of aid eligibility to regain satisfactory academic standing at the college) or a longer-term SAP Academic Plan (with specific recommendations as to what is needed to remain eligible on a continuing basis) while you work on improving your academic standing.

If the probationary period has passed and satisfactory academic progress has not been achieved, you will be removed from probation and your financial aid eligibility will be lost. At this point you must follow the directions listed below under "Second Appeals".

If you have been approved for the VCCS Academic Renewal Process, please speak to a Financial Aid Advisor for further assistance.

**Important** While on financial aid probation/academic plan, you must continue to make progress toward your degree. You must be 100% successful in all attempted courses. At the conclusion of each semester, you will be reviewed for continued progress and, if continued progress is not maintained, financial aid probation/academic plan is revoked, and you are no longer eligible for aid at CVCC.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Denial Process

"My appeal was DENIED, so now what happens?"

A full explanation for the basis of the decision, and what will need to be done to re-instate financial aid for future semesters will be given at the time of the denial. This will usually involve you completing academic coursework without financial aid assistance until all of the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress are achieved.

If you choose not to appeal, or your appeal is denied, you may return at your own expense and complete the classes necessary to meet the required standards to reinstate your financial aid.

What Happens If I Must Appeal a Second (or Third) Time?

A second (or higher) appeal will only be considered after the following is met:

  • You have successfully paid for (out of pocket), completed and passed no less than 3 credits toward your degree.