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Substance abuse is a serious impediment to the efforts of the College to provide the best possible educational opportunity for students. Furthermore, alcohol and drug abuse interferes with clear thinking and performance and imperils personal health and public safety. Accordingly, the College is committed to a three-part policy on substance abuse: education and prevention, enforcement, and referral for counseling.

Information on alcohol and drugs for the purpose of helping students develop a realistic understanding of the consequences of substance abuse and to make responsible decisions for their own welfare and the welfare of others is available from the Community Connections Office and the Student Activities Office. In addition, various seminars, speakers, and other events are periodically sponsored by the College to promote awareness of substance abuse. Credit courses that develop students’ understanding of this issue are offered through the Business and Allied Health Division and the Humanities and Social Sciences Division.

In accordance with policies adopted by the State Board for Community Colleges, students may not possess, use, or distribute any illegal substances while on campus, or when attending a college sponsored, off-campus event, or while serving as a representative of the college at off-campus meetings. This prohibition includes alcoholic beverages, except where permitted. Students who violate this policy will have college charges processed against them in the normal manner of due process provided by college disciplinary procedures. Violations of this policy that involve a criminal offense will result in an arrest, notification to the appropriate local, state, or federal law enforcement authorities for appropriate action.

The Community Connections Office in Amherst Hall provides information and referrals to community agencies, organizations, and health care facilities for treatment of substance abuse. To the extent permissible by law, confidentiality is protected so that students who seek help for substance-abuse problems can receive counseling and referral for treatment without fear of reprisal. Questions regarding referrals should be directed to the Community Connections Coordinator in Amherst Hall. More information is available at Central Virginia Community College’s community connections website.