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Articulation Agreement

Central Virginia Community College, Associate of Arts & Sciences in Business Administration
Bluefield State College, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Bluefield State College (hereafter referred to as BSC), a college in Bluefield, West Virginia, and Central Virginia Community College (hereafter referred to as CVCC), a community college in Lynchburg, Virginia, agree to offer an articulated program leading to the award of a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration.  They further agree that students from CVCC, through this articulation policy, will be allowed to transfer credits earned for the Associate of Arts & Sciences (A.A.S.) in Business Administration to the award of the B.S. in Business Administration at BSC, as specified in the attached curriculum articulation table.  The following general principles guide the operation of this Agreement:

  1. The program is designed for graduates of the A.A.S. degree in Business Administration at CVCC.
  2. A maximum of 72 credit hours from CVCC will be allowed toward the fulfillment of the 128 credit hours required for the BSC baccalaureate degree in Business Administration.
  3. The BSC W. Paul Cole, Jr. School of Business standard requiring that fifty-percent (50%) of all 300-400 level business courses be completed within the Cole School of Business will apply to students transferring to BSC under this Agreement.
  4. All courses meeting general education requirements at CVCC will transfer to BSC as general education.
  5. Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in order to transfer.
  6. Once the A.A.S. in Business Administration degree is completed at CVCC, and the student has been admitted to BSC, the student may commence the B.S. in Business Administration at BSC.
  7. Any CVCC student who is a Virginia resident and completes the CVCC A.A.S. in Business Administration with a 3.0 or above cumulative grade point average will be granted an academic scholarship by BSC to reduce their tuition and fees to the West Virginia in-state rate for tuition and fees.
  8. CVCC students who have completed the A.A.S. in Business Administration will be given every consideration for financial assistance and will be eligible to compete for additional academic scholarships at BSC.
  9. Any CVCC student who is a Virginia resident and completes the CVCC A.A.S. in Business Administration with a cumulative grade point average between 2.00-2.99 will pay the Metro rate at BSC rather than the out-of-state tuition rate.
  10. While CVCC and BSC do not presently have a dual enrollment program, should one be developed in the future, this Agreement will not preclude students from participation and students may apply for and receive the benefits of dual enrollment.  Those students would then be subject to the policies of said program should they apply.
  11. BSC will establish a mechanism to provide information on the academic progress of the CVCC students enrolled as a result of this Agreement.
  12. This Agreement becomes effective on the date set forth on the first page of this document.  CVCC and BSC agree to publicize this program.  They further agree to monitor the performance of this Agreement and to revise it as necessary.  The Agreement may be terminated by either party for just cause and after adequate notice to the other. Termination of the Agreement will not affect any students currently enrolled at CVCC in the A.A.S. in Business Administration program at the time of termination, and they shall be able to transfer credits pursuant to this Agreement.

Business Management

The W. Paul Cole, Jr. School of Business

2018-2019 Articulation Agreement for Central Virginia Community College

Associate of Arts & Science in Management

CVCC Course Number CVCC Course Name Credits Bluefield Course Number Bluefield Course Name Credits
SDV 100 College Success Skills 1   Elective 1
HLT/PED Health or Physical Education 1   Health/PE Elective 1
BUS 100 Introduction to Business 3   Elective 3
ENG 111 College Composition I 3 ENGL 101 Composition I 3
AST 205 Business Communications 3 BUSN 232 Business & Electronic Comm 3
ECO 120 Survey of Economics 3   Elective 3
BUS 204 Project Management 3   Elective 3
MTH 130 Fundamentals of Reasoning 3 MATH 101 General Math 3
BUS 226,
ITE 152
Computer Elective 3 BUSN 130 Microsoft Word/Presentations 3
BUS 200 Principles of Management 3 MGMT 210 Principles of Management 3
BUS 205 Human Resources Mgmt 3 MGMT 326 Human Resource 3
  Social Sciences Elective 3   Social Sciences Elective 3
ACC 211 Principles of Accounting I 4 ACCT 201 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 121 Business Mathematics 3   Elective 3
BUS 241 Business Law 3 BUSN 301 Business Law & Legal Envir 3
MKT 100 Principles of Marketing 3 MRKT 210 Principles of Marketing 3
MKT 275 International Marketing 3 BUSN 375 International Business 3
ACC 212 Principles of Accounting II 4 ACCT 202 Principles of Accounting II
BUS 156 Intro to Operating Mgmt 3   Elective 3
  Humanities Elective 3   Humanities Elective 3
FIN 215 Financial Management 3 BUSN 350 Financial Management 3
  TOTAL 61   TOTAL 61


Marketing Specialization

The W. Paul Cole, Jr. School of Business

2018-2019 Articulation Agreement for Central Virginia Community College

Associate of Arts & Science in Management

Marketing Specialization

CVCC Course Number CVCC Course Name Credits Bluefield Course Number Bluefield Course Name Credits
SDV 100 College Success Skills 1   Elective 1
HLT/PED Health or Physical Education 1   Health/PE Elective 1
BUS 100 Introduction to Business 3   Elective 3
ENG 111 College Composition I 3 ENGL 101 Composition I 3
AST 205 Business Communications 3 BUSN 232 Business & Electronic Comm 3
BUS 226,
ITE 152
Computer Elective 3 BUSN 130 Microsoft Word/Presentations 3
MKT 100 Principles of Marketing 3 MRKT 210 Principles of Marketing 3
MTH 130 Fundamentals of Reasoning 3 MATH 101 General Math 3
BUS 121 Business Mathematics 3   Elective 3
BUS 200 Principles of Management 3 MGMT 210 Principles of Management 3
MKT 110 Principles of Selling 3 MRKT 372 Selling/Sales Management 3
  Social Sciences Elective 3   Social Sciences Elective 3
ACC 211 Principles of Accounting I 4 ACCT 201 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 241 Business Law 3 BUSN 301 Business Law & Legal Envir 3
ECO 120 Survey of Economics 3   Elective 3
MKT 228 Promotion 3 MRKT 352 Itegrated Marketing Communication 3
ACC 212 Principles of Accounting II 4 ACCT 202 Principles of Accounting II
  Humanities Elective 3   Humanities Elective 3
BUS 205 Human Resources Mgmt 3 MGMT 326 Human Resources 3
FIN 215 Financial Management 3 BUSN 350 Financial Management 3
MKT 282 Principles of E-Commerce 3 ENTR 312 E-Commerce for Entrepreneurs 3
  TOTAL 64   TOTAL 64