Evan Abatecola | Phone number and office (434) 832-7645 |
Applications Support Supervisor | Office: 2212E |
Information Technology | abatecolae@centralvirginia.edu |
Blane Adams | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Technician I | |
Facilities Management | AdamsB@centralvirginia.edu |
Eric Adams | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | AdamsE@centralvirginia.edu |
Joy Adams | Phone number and office (434) 832-7668 |
Student Success Center Coordinator | Office: 3205B |
Student Success and Testing Center | adamsj@centralvirginia.edu |
Linda Adams | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | AdamsL@centralvirginia.edu |
Joshua Adler | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | AdlerJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Lisa Aiken | Phone number and office (434) 832-6692 |
Instructor | Office: 2501C |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | aikenl@centralvirginia.edu |
David Alcock | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | AlcockD@centralvirginia.edu |
Karen Alexander | Phone number and office (434) 832-7623 |
College Registrar | Office: 2204A |
Admissions and Records | AlexanderK2@centralvirginia.edu |
Eva Allen | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Arts and Sciences | AllenE@centralvirginia.edu |
Logan Allen | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | AllenL@centralvirginia.edu |
Myriaha Alvarado | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study | |
TRIO Student Support Services | AlvaradoM@centralvirginia.edu |
Renee Anderson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Associate Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | AndersonR@centralvirginia.edu |
Tanita Anthony | Phone number and office (434) 832-7617 |
College Navigator | Office: 2107 |
Counseling | AnthonyT@centralvirginia.edu |
Jose Antonio Santiago | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study Student | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | AntonioSantiagoJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Timothy Antrom | Phone number and office (434) 832-7646 |
Daytime User Support Tech | Office: 3207B |
Information Technology | AntromT@centralvirginia.edu |
Jennifer Armstrong | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ArmstrongJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Van Arpornrat | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Student Success and Testing Center | ArpornratV@centralvirginia.edu |
Janet Ashley | Phone number and office (434) 832-7208 |
Admin and Office Spec III | |
Arts and Sciences | AshleyJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Jim Atkinson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7728 |
Associate Professor | Office: 4204B |
Arts and Sciences | atkinsonj@centralvirginia.edu |
Nelson Ayala | Phone number and office (434) 832-7727 |
Faculty | Office: 2317 |
Arts and Sciences | ayalan@centralvirginia.edu |
Wendy Ayers | Phone number and office (434) 832-7685 |
Associate Professor | Office: 2407 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ayersw@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Babcock | Phone number and office (434) 832-7603 |
Professor | Office: 5229 |
Arts and Sciences | BabcockM@centralvirginia.edu |
Dana Ballard | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | BallardD@centralvirginia.edu |
Lisa Barber | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | barberl@centralvirginia.edu |
Luke Barton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Senior Grounds Keeper | |
Facilities Management | BartonL@centralvirginia.edu |
Paul Bauchou | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Machine Tool Lab Assistant | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BauchouP@centralvirginia.edu |
Caleb Beach | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study | |
Arts and Sciences | BeachC@centralvirginia.edu |
Rachel Bee | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BeeR@centralvirginia.edu |
Joel Benjamin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | BenjaminJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Jeffrey Bennett | Phone number and office (434) 832-7206 |
College Navigator | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BennettJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Shelley Bennett | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Lecturer | Office: Workforce |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BennettS@centralvirginia.edu |
Tonda Bennett | Phone number and office (434) 832-7612 |
Human Resources Analyst | Office: 1103 |
Human Resources | BennettT@centralvirginia.edu |
Machelle Berger | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Math Instructor | Office: 4202 |
Arts and Sciences | BergerM@centralvirginia.edu |
Ruth Bieri | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Interpreter Deaf | |
Enrollment Management | BieriR@centralvirginia.edu |
Desmond Black | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BlackD@centralvirginia.edu |
Haley Blanks | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | BlanksH@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Bobbitt | Phone number and office (434) 832-7723 |
Financial Aid Operations Specialist | Office: 2109C |
Financial Aid | BobbittM@centralvirginia.edu |
John Bomar | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2501 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BomarJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Annalee Bondurant | Phone number and office (434) 832-7831 |
Accounting Cashier | Office: 2208 |
Accounting | BondurantA@centralvirginia.edu |
Vickie Bowman | Phone number and office (434) 832-2097 |
Admin. & Office Specialist | Office: 3205 |
Student Success and Testing Center | bowmanv@centralvirginia.edu |
Trina Boyd | Phone number and office (434) 832-6578 |
Admin & Office Spec II | |
Student Success and Testing Center | boydt@centralvirginia.edu |
Katherine Boyer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BoyerK@centralvirginia.edu |
Jon Brady | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | bradyj@centralvirginia.edu |
Amy Breen | Phone number and office (434) 832-7298 |
EMS Administrator III | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BreenA@centralvirginia.edu |
Kathleen Brooks | Phone number and office (434) 832-7752 |
Vet Compliance+Cert Official | |
Financial Aid | BrooksK@centralvirginia.edu |
Robert Brooks | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Trainer Instructor I | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BrooksR@centralvirginia.edu |
Teri Brothers | Phone number and office (434) 832-7737 |
Facilities Procurement / Contracts / Project Coordinator | Office: 7202 |
Facilities Management | brotherst@centralvirginia.edu |
Asena Brown | Phone number and office (434) 832-7781 |
Admin and Office Spec III | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BrownA@centralvirginia.edu |
Bayli Brown | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study | |
Writing Center | BrownB@centralvirginia.edu |
James Brown | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | BrownJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Nick Browne-Price | Phone number and office (434) 832-6568 |
Trades Technician I | |
Facilities Management | Browne-PriceN@centralvirginia.edu |
Cynthia Bruchman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | BruchmanC@centralvirginia.edu |
Lewis Bryant | Phone number and office (434) 832-7615 |
VP of Finance & Administration | Office: 1105 |
Finance and Administration | BryantL@centralvirginia.edu |
Matthew Brynteson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Lecturer | |
BryntesonM@centralvirginia.edu |
Cindy Bunker | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct - Professor | Office: Biology |
Arts and Sciences | BunkerC@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Burke | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Employee | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | BurkeJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Ron Burnette | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | burnetter@centralvirginia.edu |
Susan Burnette | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct | |
First-Year Programs | BurnetteS@centralvirginia.edu |
Yolanda Burns | Phone number and office (434) 832-6685 |
Amherst Career Coach- CTE | |
Counseling | BurnsY@centralvirginia.edu |
Janet Cakir | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | cakirj@centralvirginia.edu |
James Calvert | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
9 month-Instructor | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | calvertj@centralvirginia.edu |
Courtney Camden | Phone number and office (434) 832-7819 |
Career Coach Workforce Development | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CamdenC@centralvirginia.edu |
Travis Campbell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7204 |
Admin and Office Spec II | |
Accounting | CampbellT@centralvirginia.edu |
John Capps | Phone number and office (434) 832-7601 |
President | Office: 1115 |
President's Office | cappsj@centralvirginia.edu |
Jeremie Cariaga | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CariagaJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Savannah Carlsen | Phone number and office (434) 832-6691 |
Admin and Office Spec III | Office: 5227 |
TRIO Student Support Services | CarlsenS@centralvirginia.edu |
William Carpenter | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Associate Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | CarpenterW@centralvirginia.edu |
Alisha Carroll | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Clinical Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CarrollA@centralvirginia.edu |
Clyde Carter | Phone number and office (434) 832-7687 |
9- Month Associate Professor | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CarterC@centralvirginia.edu |
Hollye Carter | Phone number and office (434) 832-7611 |
Human Resources Analyst | Office: 1103 |
Human Resources | carterh@centralvirginia.edu |
Mason Cash | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9-month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CashM@centralvirginia.edu |
Susan Cash | Phone number and office (434) 832-7731 |
Director | Office: 6202 |
Governor’s Regional STEM Academy (XLR8) | cashs@centralvirginia.edu |
Gretchen Casler-Cline | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Lecturer | |
Arts and Sciences | Casler-ClineG@centralvirginia.edu |
Angela Cestaro | Phone number and office (434) 832-7217 |
Instructor | Office: 5233 |
Arts and Sciences | CestaroA@centralvirginia.edu |
Jin Chang | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9-Month Associate Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | ChangJ@centralvirginia.edu |
David Cheatham | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CheathamD@centralvirginia.edu |
Matthew Chivas-Clayton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | Chivas-ClaytonM@centralvirginia.edu |
Lydia Christoph | Phone number and office (434) 832-6696 |
Director Trio Student Support Services | |
TRIO Student Support Services | ChristophL@centralvirginia.edu |
Kingsley Chukwu | Phone number and office (434) 832-7796 |
Accountant | Office: 2208 |
Accounting | ChukwuK@centralvirginia.edu |
Jason Clark | Phone number and office (434) 832-7296 |
Coordinator of CTE Initiatives | Office: 2302C |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ClarkJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Kamaria Clark | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Intern | |
Student Services Counseling | ClarkK@centralvirginia.edu |
Joan Clauss | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | ClaussJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Ernest Cobb | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | cobbe@centralvirginia.edu |
Tracy Coleman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7607 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ColemanT@centralvirginia.edu |
Barry Coles | Phone number and office (434) 832-7736 |
Housekeeping/Apparel Worker I | |
Facilities Management | colesb@centralvirginia.edu |
Ginger Coles | Phone number and office (434) 832-7690 |
Director of Clinical Education | Office: 2407C |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ColesG@centralvirginia.edu |
Eric Collins | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CollinsE@centralvirginia.edu |
Jon Kristopher Collins | Phone number and office (434) 832-2090 |
LMS Administrator | Office: 3207A |
Distance Education | collinsk@centralvirginia.edu |
Steven Collins | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CollinsS@centralvirginia.edu |
Allison Colvin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct - Lecturer | Office: Education |
Arts and Sciences | ColvinA@centralvirginia.edu |
Joel Comiskey | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 4202 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ComiskeyJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Ava Connelly | Phone number and office (434) 832-7679 |
Gen Admin Supv I/Coord I | Office: 2420 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | connellya@centralvirginia.edu |
Charles Cook | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | CookC@centralvirginia.edu |
Raylene Cope | Phone number and office (434) 832-7726 |
College Navigator | Office: 2104 |
First-Year Programs | CopeR@centralvirginia.edu |
Duncan Copen | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | CopenD@centralvirginia.edu |
Nora Cox | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Biology Adjunct Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | CoxN@centralvirginia.edu |
Cathy Craig-Carson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7285 |
Administrative Specialist | Office: Bedford Center |
Bedford Center | craig-carsonc@centralvirginia.edu |
Debra Crews | Phone number and office (434) 832-7647 |
Info Tech Spec II | Office: 2212 |
Information Technology | CrewsD@centralvirginia.edu |
Samuel Crockett | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Assistant Professor - Political Science | |
Arts and Sciences | CrockettS@centralvirginia.edu |
Gia Cummings | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
COUNSELING | CummingsG@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Cundiff | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | cundiffm@centralvirginia.edu |
Marjan Dadaei Dehkordi | Phone number and office (434) 832-7754 |
Library Assistant | Office: 3116 |
Library | dadaei-dehkordim@centralvirginia.edu |
Gabrielle Dampf | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Biology Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | DampfG@centralvirginia.edu |
Tamra Daniel | Phone number and office (434) 832-7212 |
Admin and Office Spec III | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | DanielT@centralvirginia.edu |
Juville Dario-Becker | Phone number and office (434) 832-7719 |
Professor | Office: 2403C |
Arts and Sciences | dario-beckerj@centralvirginia.edu |
Russell Daubert | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Adjunct Associate Professor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | DaubertR@centralvirginia.edu |
Taz Daughtrey | Phone number and office (434) 832-7704 |
IST & Cybersecurity Instructor | Office: 2215 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | DaughtreyH@centralvirginia.edu |
Shameka Davenport | Phone number and office (434) 832-7607 |
Adjunct | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | DavenportS@centralvirginia.edu |
Samantha Davis | Phone number and office (434) 832-6573 |
Admin and Office Spec III | |
Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning | DavisS@centralvirginia.edu |
Tashika Davis | Phone number and office (434) 832-7613 |
Work Study | |
Counseling | DavisT@centralvirginia.edu |
Tecora Davis | Phone number and office (434) 832-7800 |
Assistant Professor - Admin of Justice | Office: 2100 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | DavisTJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Farley Dawson | Phone number and office (434) 832-2094 |
Math Tutor | Office: 3213 |
Math Achievement Learning Lab (MALL) | DawsonC@centralvirginia.edu |
Connie Deacon | Phone number and office (434) 832-7743 |
Admin. & Office Specialist | Office: 3207E |
Distance Education | deaconc@centralvirginia.edu |
Kimberly Deal | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Clinical Instructor | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | DealK@centralvirginia.edu |
Nathan Deas | Phone number and office (434) 832-7607 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | DeasN@centralvirginia.edu |
Twila DeMasters | Phone number and office (434) 832-7624 |
Workforce Training Program Specialist | Office: 5109 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | demasterst@centralvirginia.edu |
Moroni deMoors | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | deMoorsM@centralvirginia.edu |
Maria Dennis | Phone number and office (434) 832-7616 |
Education Support Spec II | |
TRIO Student Support Services | DennisM@centralvirginia.edu |
Cynthia Deutsch | Phone number and office (434) 832-7783 |
Professor | Office: 3201B |
Arts and Sciences | DeutschC@centralvirginia.edu |
Marci Dewitt | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | dewittm@centralvirginia.edu |
Diana Dillard | Phone number and office (434) 832-7696 |
Admin. & Office Specialist | Office: 6104 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | dillardd@centralvirginia.edu |
Lynn Dillard | Phone number and office (434) 832-7713 |
Professor | Office: 6103 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | dillardl@centralvirginia.edu |
William Dogan | Phone number and office (434) 832-7210 |
Law Enforcement Officer I | |
Campus Police | DoganW@centralvirginia.edu |
Elizabeth Dooley | Phone number and office (434) 832-7690 |
Associate Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | dooleye@centralvirginia.edu |
Christopher Dotten | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | dottenc@centralvirginia.edu |
Lana Dove | Phone number and office (434) 832-7671 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 3201A |
Arts and Sciences | dovel@centralvirginia.edu |
Craig Dowdy | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Arts and Sciences | DowdyC@centralvirginia.edu |
Jennifer Dowdy | Phone number and office (434) 832-7735 |
Administrative & Office Supervisor | Office: 7203 |
Facilities Management | DowdyJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Duncan | Phone number and office (434) 832-7632 |
Admissions Operations Specialist | Office: 2204 |
Admissions and Records | DuncanM@centralvirginia.edu |
Francie Dye | Phone number and office (434) 832-7765 |
Workforce Training Coordinator | Office: 5110 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | dyef@centralvirginia.edu |
Natalie Dyess | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Arts and Sciences | DyessN@centralvirginia.edu |
Gregory Eaton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- month Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | EatonG@centralvirginia.edu |
Kelly Edwards | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Biology Instructor | Office: 4204 |
Arts and Sciences | EdwardsK@centralvirginia.edu |
Thomas Eischeid | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Professional Tutor | |
Student Success and Testing Center | EischeidT@centralvirginia.edu |
Elizabeth Elam | Phone number and office (434) 832-7824 |
English Professor | Office: 5240 |
Arts and Sciences | ElamE@centralvirginia.edu |
Hope Elleyby | Phone number and office (434) 832-7638 |
Student Worker | |
Enrollment Management | ElleybyH@centralvirginia.edu |
Jennifer Elliott | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 4204L |
Arts and Sciences | elliottj@centralvirginia.edu |
Selina Elswick | Phone number and office (434) 832-7811 |
HR Analyst | |
Human Resources | ElswickS@centralvirginia.edu |
Kenneth Ensley | Phone number and office (434) 832-7736 |
Trades Technician | |
Facilities Management | ensleyk@centralvirginia.edu |
Mary Evans | Phone number and office (434) 832-7634 |
Transcript Clerk | Office: 2204 |
Admissions and Records | evansm@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Faitak | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FaitakJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Falatic | Phone number and office (434) 832-7808 |
Police Officer | Office: 2605 |
Campus Police | FalaticJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Dustin Falls | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FallsD@centralvirginia.edu |
William Fanning | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Associate Instructor I-Instr-R | Office: 4204A |
Arts and Sciences | FanningW@centralvirginia.edu |
James Farmer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Welding/Machine Lab Assistant | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FarmerJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Farris | Phone number and office (434) 832-7891 |
Dean of Student Services/ Director of TRIO | Office: 2121B |
Enrollment Management | FarrisM@centralvirginia.edu |
George Ferguson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7211 |
Community College Program Coordinator | |
Amherst Center | FergusonG@centralvirginia.edu |
Jason Ferguson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7797 |
Associate Vice President | Office: 2418 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | fergusonj@centralvirginia.edu |
Sarah Ferguson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FergusonS@centralvirginia.edu |
Yalitza Figueroa | Phone number and office (434) 832-7692 |
Chemistry Professor | Office: 2319 |
Arts and Sciences | figueroay@centralvirginia.edu |
Rebekah Fisher | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker - Writing Center Tutor | |
Writing Center | FisherRL@centralvirginia.edu |
Susan Fisher | Phone number and office (434) 832-7201 |
Administrative & Office Specialist | Office: Appomattox Center |
Appomattox Center | FisherS@centralvirginia.edu |
Bradley Fitzgerald | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FitzgeraldB@centralvirginia.edu |
Susan Fitzsimons | Phone number and office (434) 832-7683 |
Associate Professor | Office: 2303A |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FitzsimonsS@centralvirginia.edu |
Robin Flaherty | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Professional Tutor | |
Student Success and Testing Center | FlahertyR@centralvirginia.edu |
Michele Fletcher | Phone number and office (434) 832-7885 |
College Recruiter | Office: 5119 |
Enrollment Management | fletcherm@centralvirginia.edu |
Jeffery Foldesi | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FoldesiJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Kasey Forehand | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ForehandK@centralvirginia.edu |
Danielle Fortune | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Trainer Instructor I | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FortuneD@centralvirginia.edu |
Richard Foster | Phone number and office (434) 832-7654 |
Community College Prog Coord | Office: Bedford Center |
Bedford Center | fosterr@centralvirginia.edu |
Anne Francis | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Machine Tool Lab Assistant | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | FrancisA@centralvirginia.edu |
Randall Franklin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7739 |
Human Resources Director | Office: 1103 |
Human Resources | franklinr@centralvirginia.edu |
Kathleen Frazier | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Interpreter Deaf | |
Counseling | FrazierK@centralvirginia.edu |
Jack Freeman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7764 |
Grant Program Manager | Office: 5119 |
Institutional Advancement and Educational Foundation | FreemanJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Kimberly French | Phone number and office (434) 832-7886 |
Coordinator of Advising Services | Office: 2106 |
Counseling | frenchk@centralvirginia.edu |
Marcella Gale | Phone number and office (434) 832-7619 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 6203A |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | galem@centralvirginia.edu |
Richard Gallaher | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GallaherR@centralvirginia.edu |
Johnathan Garretson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GarretsonJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Christopher Gaumer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | GaumerC@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Geake | Phone number and office (434) 832-6589 |
Professional Tutor | Office: 3205 |
Student Success and Testing Center | GeakeM@centralvirginia.edu |
Gabrielle Gerling | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GerlingG@centralvirginia.edu |
Barry Gilbert | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GilbertB@centralvirginia.edu |
Jodi Gillette | Phone number and office (434) 832-7769 |
Executive Director CVCC Educational Foundation | |
Institutional Advancement and Educational Foundation | GilletteJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Debbie Gilliam | Phone number and office (434) 832-7202 |
Coordinator of Appomattox Off-Site Center | Office: 101 |
Appomattox Center | GilliamD@centralvirginia.edu |
Kenneth Gillie | Phone number and office (434) 832-7607 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | gilliek@centralvirginia.edu |
Kelly Glenn | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GlennK@centralvirginia.edu |
Thomas Goddard | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Arts and Sciences | GoddardT@centralvirginia.edu |
Ruth Gomes | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GomesR@centralvirginia.edu |
William Goode | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | goodew@centralvirginia.edu |
Heaven Goodman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Accounting | GoodmanH@centralvirginia.edu |
Raymond Gordineer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7607 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GordineerR@centralvirginia.edu |
Zane Graham | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Arts and Sciences | GrahamZ@centralvirginia.edu |
Valerie Grant | Phone number and office (434) 832-7800 |
SDV Assistant Professor | Office: 2100 |
First-Year Programs | GrantV@centralvirginia.edu |
Shequetta Gravely | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Interpreter Deaf | |
Counseling | GravelyS@centralvirginia.edu |
Takia Greene | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
Work Study | |
Financial Aid | GreeneT@centralvirginia.edu |
Nadine Greene-Hicks | Phone number and office (434) 832-7806 |
Community Connections Coordinator | |
Academic and Student Affairs | Greene-HicksN@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Greer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7825 |
EMS Program Head and Assistant Professor | Office: 2501 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | greerj@centralvirginia.edu |
Kim Gregory | Phone number and office (434) 832-7205 |
Early Childhood Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GregoryK@centralvirginia.edu |
Charles Greve | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GreveC@centralvirginia.edu |
Mary Gribbin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | GribbinM@centralvirginia.edu |
Carolyn Gross | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Sociology Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | GrossC@centralvirginia.edu |
Taylor Grubbs | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GrubbsT@centralvirginia.edu |
Hunter Guill | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | GuillH@centralvirginia.edu |
Arlene Gunter | Phone number and office (434) 832-2084 |
Dual Enrollment Specialist | Office: 2204 |
Enrollment Management | GunterA@centralvirginia.edu |
Nathan Habecker | Phone number and office (434) 832-7803 |
Interim Veterans Affairs | Office: 2110 |
Counseling | HabeckerN@centralvirginia.edu |
Kyle Hafner | Phone number and office (434) 832-7736 |
Trades Technician | Office: 7000 |
Facilities Management | hafnerk@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Hamilton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7807 |
Police Officer | Office: 2605 |
Campus Police | hamiltonm@centralvirginia.edu |
Phil Hamlett | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | hamlettp@centralvirginia.edu |
Virginia Hamlett | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
EMS Lab Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HamlettV@centralvirginia.edu |
Mable Hamlette-Franklin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7661 |
Associate Instructor II | Office: 2318 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | hamlette-franklinm@centralvirginia.edu |
Marlena Hankton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7893 |
Admin and Office Spec III | Office: 2419 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HanktonM@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Hanna | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HannaM@centralvirginia.edu |
Kimberley Hansen | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HansenK@centralvirginia.edu |
Yvonne Hansotte | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HansotteY@centralvirginia.edu |
Lauren Harmony | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HarmonyL@centralvirginia.edu |
Steve Harrison | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HarrisonS@centralvirginia.edu |
Kristina Hart | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HartK@centralvirginia.edu |
Lucia Hathaway | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HathawayL@centralvirginia.edu |
Emily Hawkins | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | HawkinsE@centralvirginia.edu |
Edward Hearn | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2501 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HearnE@centralvirginia.edu |
Hailey Hermosa | Phone number and office (434) 832-7702 |
Instructor | Office: 2218 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | hermosah@centralvirginia.edu |
Blanca Hernandez | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study | |
TRIO Student Support Services | HernandezB@centralvirginia.edu |
Thomas Herndon | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Lab Assistant/Coordinator | |
Arts and Sciences | HerndonT@centralvirginia.edu |
Audrey Hess | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HessL@centralvirginia.edu |
Jacob Higgins | Phone number and office (434) 832-7629 |
Evening User Support Tech | Office: 3207B |
Information Technology | HigginsJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Chris Hines | Phone number and office (434) 832-7740 |
Facilities Supervisor | Office: 7102 |
Facilities Management | HinesC@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Hoffman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HoffmanM@centralvirginia.edu |
Dana Hogan | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HoganD@centralvirginia.edu |
Jessica Hogan | Phone number and office (434) 832-7732 |
Associate Professor | Office: 4204-D |
Arts and Sciences | hoganj@centralvirginia.edu |
Corinne Hoisington | Phone number and office (434) 832-7682 |
Associate Professor | Office: 2320 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | hoisingtonc@centralvirginia.edu |
Cynthia Holt | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Professor - Psychology | |
Arts and Sciences | HoltC@centralvirginia.edu |
William Holt | Phone number and office (434) 821-6213 |
Employee | |
Campbell County Technical Center | holtw@centralvirginia.edu |
Rebecca Honeycutt | Phone number and office (434) 832-7718 |
Professor | Office: 6211 |
Arts and Sciences | honeycuttr@centralvirginia.edu |
Kristina Hoover | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Purchasing Assistant | |
Purchasing | HooverK@centralvirginia.edu |
Ruth Horstemeyer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7827 |
Adjunct | Office: 3213 |
Arts and Sciences | HorstemeyerR@centralvirginia.edu |
Richard Howald | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HowaldR@centralvirginia.edu |
Mary Hubbard | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 Month-Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | HubbardM@centralvirginia.edu |
Tobias Huff | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Arts and Sciences | HuffT@centralvirginia.edu |
Philomena Hughes | Phone number and office (434) 832-7686 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 8107 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | hughesp@centralvirginia.edu |
William Hughes | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HughesW@centralvirginia.edu |
Gayle Huiner | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HuinerG@centralvirginia.edu |
Stanley Hull | Phone number and office (434) 832-7881 |
Community College Counselor | |
Counseling | HullS@centralvirginia.edu |
Cody Hurd | Phone number and office (434) 832-7839 |
9 -Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | HurdC@centralvirginia.edu |
Kevin Ilozor | Phone number and office (434) 832-7789 |
Community College Counselor | |
Counseling | IlozorK@centralvirginia.edu |
Mecole Ingram | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ingramm@centralvirginia.edu |
Wakeshia Jefferson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7829 |
Parenting Coach | |
Enrollment Management | JeffersonWL@centralvirginia.edu |
William Jefferson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7219 |
Adjunct Instructor | Office: 6118 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | JeffersonW@centralvirginia.edu |
Amanda Johnson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7651 |
Library Assistant | |
Library | JohnsonA@centralvirginia.edu |
Darryl Johnson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | JohnsonD@centralvirginia.edu |
Jacquelyn Johnson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
English Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | johnsonj@centralvirginia.edu |
Lauren Johnson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Assistant Instructor | |
Counseling | JohnsonL@centralvirginia.edu |
Robbie Johnson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | johnsonr@centralvirginia.edu |
Tammy Johnson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7892 |
Administrative Assistant | Office: 2121A |
Enrollment Management | johnsont@centralvirginia.edu |
Teshauna Johnson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7614 |
Student Worker | |
Enrollment Management | JohnsonTA@centralvirginia.edu |
Jacob Johnston | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
CST Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | JohnstonJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Clara Jones | Phone number and office (434) 832-7747 |
Program Admin Spec I | |
Finance and Administration | JonesC@centralvirginia.edu |
Deborah Jones | Phone number and office (434) 832-7746 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 5239 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | JonesD@centralvirginia.edu |
Lisa Jones | Phone number and office (434) 832-7816 |
Accounting Office Manager | |
Accounting | JonesL@centralvirginia.edu |
Tiffany Jones | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | JonesT@centralvirginia.edu |
Chris Jordan | Phone number and office (434) 832-7890 |
Help Desk Supervisor | Office: 3214 |
Information Technology | jordanc@centralvirginia.edu |
Erin Kane | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Assistant Professor Early Childhood Development | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KaneE@centralvirginia.edu |
Ehren Keener | Phone number and office (434) 832-2083 |
Community Connections | |
Academic and Student Affairs | KeenerE@centralvirginia.edu |
Carla Keesee | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KeeseeC@centralvirginia.edu |
Alissa Keith | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Associate Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | KeithA@centralvirginia.edu |
Kathy Kidd | Phone number and office (434) 832-7640 |
Admin. & Office Specialist | Office: 2204 |
Admissions and Records | kiddk@centralvirginia.edu |
Kathy King | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KingK@centralvirginia.edu |
Madison King | Phone number and office (434) 832-7802 |
Student Worker | |
Institutional Advancement and Educational Foundation | KingM@centralvirginia.edu |
Katelyn Kinman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct - Instructor | Office: PSYCHOLOGY |
Arts and Sciences | KinmanK@centralvirginia.edu |
Andrew Kirby | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KirbyA@centralvirginia.edu |
Benjamin Kirkland | Phone number and office (434) 832-7672 |
Instructor | Office: 2501C |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KirklandB@centralvirginia.edu |
Stephen Kissel | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KisselS@centralvirginia.edu |
Harold Klaser | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Assistant Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | KlaserH@centralvirginia.edu |
Anthony Knapp | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KnappA@centralvirginia.edu |
Linda Kobler | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | koblerl@centralvirginia.edu |
Jennifer Kohn | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KohnJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Kenneth Koleszar | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KoleszarK@centralvirginia.edu |
Lovely Koshy | Phone number and office (434) 832-7715 |
Associate Instructor I-Instr-R | Office: 2109F |
Arts and Sciences | KoshyL@centralvirginia.edu |
Timothy Kyser | Phone number and office (434) 832-7621 |
Trainer Instructor I | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | KyserT@centralvirginia.edu |
Sarah Landis | Phone number and office (434) 832-7664 |
College Navigator | |
Counseling | LandisS@centralvirginia.edu |
Edmund Lannen | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | LannenE@centralvirginia.edu |
Matthew Latimer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7834 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 3201C |
Arts and Sciences | latimerm@centralvirginia.edu |
Jeff Laub | Phone number and office (434) 832-7734 |
Professor | Office: 4204L |
Arts and Sciences | laubj@centralvirginia.edu |
Lisa Laub | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 - Month Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | LaubL@centralvirginia.edu |
Sharon Layne | Phone number and office (434) 832-6598 |
Admin and Office Spec III | |
Accounting | LayneSM@centralvirginia.edu |
Connie Leathers | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | LeathersC@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Ledingham | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | LedinghamJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Ana Leng | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Arts and Sciences | LengA@centralvirginia.edu |
Brent Lester | Phone number and office (434) 832-7676 |
Professor | Office: 2417 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | lesterb@centralvirginia.edu |
Priscilla Liggon | Phone number and office (434) 832-7694 |
Health Care Technologist II | Office: 2303 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | liggonp@centralvirginia.edu |
David Lightfoot | Phone number and office (434) 832-7643 |
Vice President | Office: 2206 |
Information Technology | lightfootd@centralvirginia.edu |
Jacob Lofaso | Phone number and office (434) 832-7628 |
Student Worker | Office: 3201 |
Writing Center | LofasoJ2@centralvirginia.edu |
John Lofaso | Phone number and office (434) 832-7660 |
Professor | Office: 4204H |
Arts and Sciences | lofasoj@centralvirginia.edu |
Gary Loomis | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | LoomisG@centralvirginia.edu |
Adrianne Loving | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study | |
Human Resources | LovingA@centralvirginia.edu |
Ivy Lunt | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Arts and Sciences | LuntI@centralvirginia.edu |
Rachel Madigan | Phone number and office (434) 832-7756 |
Beacon of Hope Future Center Director | Office: 2131 |
First-Year Programs | MadiganR@centralvirginia.edu |
Linda Mallory | Phone number and office (434) 832-7695 |
Associate Professor | Office: 5220 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | malloryl@centralvirginia.edu |
Skyler Mann | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MannS@centralvirginia.edu |
Jill Markwood | Phone number and office (434) 832-7673 |
Media Specialist III | Office: 6216 |
Institutional Advancement and Educational Foundation | markwoodj@centralvirginia.edu |
Tracy Marr | Phone number and office (434) 832-7681 |
Computer Lab Assistant | Office: 2414 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MarrT@centralvirginia.edu |
Tracy Marsh | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Professional Tutor | |
Arts and Sciences | MarshT@centralvirginia.edu |
Duane Martin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | MartinD@centralvirginia.edu |
Elizabeth Martin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MartinE@centralvirginia.edu |
Gerin Martin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Associate Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MartinGE@centralvirginia.edu |
Rebecca Martin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | MartinR@centralvirginia.edu |
Megan Matthews | Phone number and office (434) 832-7709 |
Dispatcher | Office: 2605 |
Campus Police | MatthewsM@centralvirginia.edu |
Honore Mavinga | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct - Instructor | Office: Mathematics |
Arts and Sciences | MavingaH@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Mavinga | Phone number and office (434) 832-6583 |
Professional Tutor | Office: 3205 |
Student Success and Testing Center | MavingaM@centralvirginia.edu |
James Mawyer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7607 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MawyerJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Samantha Mayhew | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MayhewS@centralvirginia.edu |
Rachel Mays | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MaysR@centralvirginia.edu |
Olivia McAvoy | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Arts and Sciences | McAvoyO@centralvirginia.edu |
Tesa McBride | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 - month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | McbrideT@centralvirginia.edu |
Lawrence McCray | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Institutional Advancement and Educational Foundation | McCrayL@centralvirginia.edu |
John McCullough | Phone number and office (434) 832-7684 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 5224 |
Arts and Sciences | mcculloughj@centralvirginia.edu |
Glenn McDaniel | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | McDanielG@centralvirginia.edu |
Shannon McDermott | Phone number and office (434) 832-7294 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 4204J |
Arts and Sciences | mcdermotts@centralvirginia.edu |
David McGee | Phone number and office (434) 832-7782 |
Professor | Office: 5234 |
Arts and Sciences | mcgeed@centralvirginia.edu |
Edward McGee | Phone number and office (434) 832-7742 |
Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning | Office: 3207C |
Distance Education | mcgeee@centralvirginia.edu |
Wanda McGee | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | McGeeW@centralvirginia.edu |
Meredith McLaughlin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7299 |
Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services | Office: 2119 |
Counseling | McLaughlinM@centralvirginia.edu |
Brittany McLean | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Associate Instructor | Office: 4204G |
Arts and Sciences | McleanB@centralvirginia.edu |
James McManus | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | McManusJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Ryan McNamara | Phone number and office (434) 832-7812 |
Coordinator of Financial Aid | Office: 2112 |
Financial Aid | McNamaraR@centralvirginia.edu |
Stephanie Meehan | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MeehanS@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Meeks | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
EMS Lab Instructor | Office: 2501 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | meeksm@centralvirginia.edu |
Rebekah Melton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MeltonR@centralvirginia.edu |
William Meyers | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MeyersW@centralvirginia.edu |
Carla Miller | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Associate Instructor - Mathematics | Office: 3214 |
Arts and Sciences | MillerC@centralvirginia.edu |
Robert Mills | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Employee | |
Arts and Sciences | millsr@centralvirginia.edu |
Lori Minter | Phone number and office (434) 832-7636 |
Purchasing Specialist | |
Purchasing | MinterL@centralvirginia.edu |
Stephen Mistretta | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MistrettaS@centralvirginia.edu |
Jacob Mitchell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7837 |
Academic Advisor | |
Counseling | MitchellJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Justin Mitchell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MitchellJD@centralvirginia.edu |
Katherine Mitchell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MitchellK@centralvirginia.edu |
Valerie Mitchell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | mitchellv@centralvirginia.edu |
Robert Moden | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ModenR@centralvirginia.edu |
Tom Mohr | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Instructor | Office: 4204 |
Arts and Sciences | mohrt@centralvirginia.edu |
Bette-Jeanne Moodie | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | moodieb@centralvirginia.edu |
Mark Moorman | Phone number and office (434) 832-6585 |
Professional Tutor | Office: 3205 |
Student Success and Testing Center | MoormanM@centralvirginia.edu |
Justin Morgan | Phone number and office (434) 832-7209 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 5230 |
Arts and Sciences | MorganJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Shawn Morrison | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MorrisonS@centralvirginia.edu |
Sarah Mullins | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Trainer Instructor I | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MullinsS@centralvirginia.edu |
Gary Mullis | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
EMS Lab Instructor | Office: 2501 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MullisG@centralvirginia.edu |
William Murphy | Phone number and office (434) 832-7711 |
Full Time Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | MurphyW@centralvirginia.edu |
Marci Myers | Phone number and office (434) 832-7751 |
Coordinator | |
Library | MyersM@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Nagy | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Instructor | Office: 5221 |
Arts and Sciences | NagyM@centralvirginia.edu |
Landon Naulty | Phone number and office (434) 832-7705 |
Help Desk Technician | Office: 3207D |
Information Technology | NaultyL@centralvirginia.edu |
George Navarro | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | NavarroG@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Nelson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study | |
Campus Police Department | NelsonJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Jewel Newman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | NewmanJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Mark Newman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | newmanm@centralvirginia.edu |
V'Dell Newton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study | |
Writing Center | NewtonV@centralvirginia.edu |
Scott Nixon | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | nixons@centralvirginia.edu |
Beverly Noel | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | NoelB@centralvirginia.edu |
Matthew Norton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | Office: Drafting |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | NortonM@centralvirginia.edu |
Jonathon Odom | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9-Month Associate Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | OdomJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Kristin Ogden | Phone number and office (434) 832-7618 |
Vice President of Academic, Student Affairs, and Workforce | Office: 1107 |
Academic and Student Affairs | ogdenk@centralvirginia.edu |
Jennifer Onuffer | Phone number and office (434) 832-6697 |
Fiscal Technician | Office: 2208 |
Accounting | onufferj@centralvirginia.edu |
Joni Organ | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | OrganJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Marisa Orso | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Associate Instructor | Office: 4204E |
Arts and Sciences | OrsoM@centralvirginia.edu |
William Osborne | Phone number and office (434) 832-7644 |
Enterprise Architect | Office: 2212F |
Information Technology | osbornew@centralvirginia.edu |
Tarrah Osmulski | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | OsmulskiT@centralvirginia.edu |
Melvin Paige | Phone number and office (434) 832-7215 |
Great Expectations Program Coordinator | Office: 2109E |
Academic and Student Affairs | paigem@centralvirginia.edu |
Lisa Pannell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7832 |
Dual Enrollment Outreach Specialist | Office: 2132 |
Enrollment Management | PannellL@centralvirginia.edu |
Meghamala Parua | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Part time Adjunct | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ParuaM@centralvirginia.edu |
Aaron Payne | Phone number and office (434) 832-7218 |
Electrical Program Head and Assistant Professor | Office: 6117 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | PayneA@centralvirginia.edu |
Carlton Payne | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | PayneC@centralvirginia.edu |
Tracey Payne | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Lab Evaluator | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | PayneT@centralvirginia.edu |
Ashley Pearson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7818 |
Counselor | Office: 2118 |
Counseling | pearsona@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Penrod | Phone number and office (434) 832-7759 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 2301 |
Arts and Sciences | penrodj@centralvirginia.edu |
Oliver Perez | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Human Resources | PerezO@centralvirginia.edu |
Angela Perry | Phone number and office (434) 832-6686 |
Program Administration Specialist | Office: 5139 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | PerryAS@centralvirginia.edu |
Stephen Perry | Phone number and office (434) 832-7729 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 2216 |
Arts and Sciences | PerryS@centralvirginia.edu |
Lacie Pesce | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Trainer Instructor I | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | PesceL@centralvirginia.edu |
Kelye Petrossian | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
Trainer Instructor I | Office: 2501 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | PetrossianK@centralvirginia.edu |
Terri Pettyjohn | Phone number and office (434) 832-2093 |
Math Tutor | Office: 3213 |
Math Achievement Learning Lab (MALL) | pettyjohnt@centralvirginia.edu |
Kevin Phelps | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | PhelpsK@centralvirginia.edu |
Julie Piercy | Phone number and office (434) 832-7670 |
Professor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | piercyjc@centralvirginia.edu |
Charles Pietsch | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | PietschC@centralvirginia.edu |
Francisco Pinto-Torres | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | pinto-torresf@centralvirginia.edu |
Lynda Pinto-Torres | Phone number and office (434) 832-6584 |
Professional Tutor | Office: 3205 |
Student Success and Testing Center | pinto-torresl@centralvirginia.edu |
Charles Poff | Phone number and office (434) 832-7766 |
Professor | Office: 5223 |
Arts and Sciences | poffc@centralvirginia.edu |
Daniel Porter | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Faculty | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | PorterD@centralvirginia.edu |
Richard Poteat | Phone number and office (434) 832-7822 |
Associate Professor | Office: 5232 |
Arts and Sciences | poteatm@centralvirginia.edu |
Amy Powell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7666 |
Counseling Dept Supervisor | |
Counseling | PowellA@centralvirginia.edu |
Howard Powell | Phone number and office (434) 832-6684 |
Police Officer | Office: 2605 |
Campus Police | PowellH@centralvirginia.edu |
Dekota Pritchett | Phone number and office (434) 832-7738 |
Mailroom/Warehouse | Office: 7202 |
Facilities Management | pritchettd@centralvirginia.edu |
Thomas Provenzola | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Lecturer | |
Arts and Science | Provenzolat@centralvirginia.edu |
Allison Quansah | Phone number and office (434) 832-6595 |
Education Support Specialist I | |
Counseling | QuansahA@centralvirginia.edu |
Joy Quarmout | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Art Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | QuarmoutJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Teresa Ranson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7714 |
Instructor | Office: 2219 |
Arts and Sciences | ransont@centralvirginia.edu |
Xavier Retnam | Phone number and office (434) 832-7724 |
Professor | Office: 4204H |
Arts and Sciences | retnamx@centralvirginia.edu |
Chandler Reynolds | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | ReynoldsC@centralvirginia.edu |
Naomi Reynolds | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
9 month-Instructor | Office: 2501 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ReynoldsN@centralvirginia.edu |
Pamela Reynolds | Phone number and office (434) 832-7681 |
Trainer & Instructor I | Office: 2414 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | reynoldsp@centralvirginia.edu |
Tamara Reynolds | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ReynoldsT@centralvirginia.edu |
Timothy Rhoads | Phone number and office (434) 832-7838 |
Professor | Office: 2403D |
Arts and Sciences | rhoadst@centralvirginia.edu |
Catherine Rice | Phone number and office (434) 832-7292 |
General & Administrative Coordinator | Office: 5116 |
Institutional Advancement and Educational Foundation | ricec@centralvirginia.edu |
Linda Roberts | Phone number and office (434) 832-7736 |
Administrative Assistant | Office: 7200 |
Facilities Management | RobertsL@centralvirginia.edu |
Jonathan Robertson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | RobertsonJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Marcia Robertson | Phone number and office (434) 832-2089 |
Professional Writing Tutor | Office: 3201 |
Arts and Sciences | RobertsonM@centralvirginia.edu |
Terrell Robertson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7813 |
Education Support Spec III | Office: 2110 |
TRIO Student Support Services | RobertsonT@centralvirginia.edu |
John Rocha | Phone number and office (434) 832-7725 |
Facilities Manager | Office: 7204 |
Facilities Management | RochaJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Liam Rodes | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Machine Tool Lab Assistant | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | RodesL@centralvirginia.edu |
India Rowe | Phone number and office (434) 832-6683 |
Education Support Spec III | |
Financial Aid | RoweI@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Rowell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7203 |
Associate Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | RowellJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Jennifer Rowland | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct - Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | RowlandJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Diego Sabugo | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Machine Shop Tool Lab Assistant | |
PCS | SabugoD@centralvirginia.edu |
Kieran Saienni | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SaienniK@centralvirginia.edu |
Timothy Saloka | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | salokat@centralvirginia.edu |
Peggy Samuels | Phone number and office (434) 832-2088 |
Financial Services Spec I | Office: 2211 |
Accounting | SamuelsP@centralvirginia.edu |
Cathy Sanders | Phone number and office (434) 832-6572 |
Admin. & Office Specialist | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | sandersc@centralvirginia.edu |
Tressa Sarinana | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SarinanaT@centralvirginia.edu |
Timothy Saunders | Phone number and office |
Assistant Professor | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SaundersT@centralvirginia.edu |
Troy Saunders | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SaundersTB@centralvirginia.edu |
Patricia Sawyer | Phone number and office (434) 832-6571 |
Transfer Academic Advisor | Office: 2100 |
Counseling | SawyerP@centralvirginia.edu |
Corbin Sayles | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Work Study | |
Arts and Sciences | SaylesC@centralvirginia.edu |
Matthew Schoener | Phone number and office (434) 832-7607 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 5108 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SchoenerM@centralvirginia.edu |
She' Schofield | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SchofieldC@centralvirginia.edu |
Wade Schofield | Phone number and office (434) 832-7605 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 4204L |
Arts and Sciences | SchofieldW@centralvirginia.edu |
Patricia Schubert | Phone number and office (434) 832-7288 |
Counselor | Office: Bedford Center |
Bedford Center | schubertp@centralvirginia.edu |
James Scow | Phone number and office (434) 832-7790 |
Instructor | Office: 3201A |
Arts and Sciences | scowj@centralvirginia.edu |
Trevor Scruggs | Phone number and office (434) 832-7627 |
Grounds Supervisor | |
Facilities Management | ScruggsT@centralvirginia.edu |
Joseph Seigla | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SeiglaJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Alijah Senn | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SennA@centralvirginia.edu |
Jalenda Settles | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Counseling | SettlesJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Elizabeth Shelton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7699 |
Employee | Office: 6207 |
Arts and Sciences | sheltone@centralvirginia.edu |
Austin Sherman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Trades Technician I | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ShermanA@centralvirginia.edu |
Debra Short | Phone number and office (434) 832-7622 |
Workforce Development Coordinator | Office: 5144 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | shortd@centralvirginia.edu |
Joanna Shull | Phone number and office (434) 832-7658 |
Housekeeping/Apparel Worker I | |
Facilities Management | ShullJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Tabatha Shull | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ShullT@centralvirginia.edu |
Ann Shupe | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Instructor | Office: 5236 |
Arts and Sciences | shupea@centralvirginia.edu |
Zachary Shupe | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ShupeZ@centralvirginia.edu |
Wade Simmons | Phone number and office (434) 832-6687 |
Professional Tutor | |
Math Achievement Learning Lab (MALL) | SimmonsW@centralvirginia.edu |
Caitlyn Six | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Assistant Professor Welding | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SixC@centralvirginia.edu |
Lori Slayton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SlaytonL@centralvirginia.edu |
Jacob Smith | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SmithJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Katelyn Smith | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | Office: Writing Center |
Arts and Sciences | SmithK@centralvirginia.edu |
Sheila Smith | Phone number and office (434) 832-7657 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 5238 |
Arts and Sciences | smithsk@centralvirginia.edu |
Victoria Smith | Phone number and office (434) 832-7606 |
Student Worker | |
Counseling | SmithV@centralvirginia.edu |
Larry Snell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7708 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SnellL@centralvirginia.edu |
Safiya Soderstrom | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | SoderstromS@centralvirginia.edu |
Mary Soles | Phone number and office (434) 832-7753 |
Library Assistant | Office: 3116 |
Library | SolesM@centralvirginia.edu |
Jean St.Clair | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | St.ClairJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Nicholas Stammeer | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Intern | |
Student Services Counseling | StammerN@centralvirginia.edu |
Ronald Staton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | statonr@centralvirginia.edu |
Sabiha Steelman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Human Resources | SteelmanS@centralvirginia.edu |
Shane Stelter | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | StelterS@centralvirginia.edu |
Dennis Stewart | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | StewartD@centralvirginia.edu |
Erica Stewart | Phone number and office |
Employee | |
Campbell County Technical Center | stewarte@centralvirginia.edu |
Sean Stockwell | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Veterans Navigator | Office: 2105 |
Counseling | stockwells@centralvirginia.edu |
Robert Stout | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2501 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | StoutR@centralvirginia.edu |
Tami Strout | Phone number and office (434) 832-2095 |
Employee | Office: 3201 |
Writing Center | StroutT@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Summy | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | SummyM@centralvirginia.edu |
CTE Survey | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Employee | |
ctesurvey@centralvirginia.edu |
Jeffrey Sydenstricker | Phone number and office (434) 832-7755 |
Emergency Management Coordinator | Office: 2605 |
Campus Police | SydenstrickerJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Dianne Sykes | Phone number and office (434) 832-7602 |
General Administrative Coordinator | Office: 1115 |
President's Office | SykesD@centralvirginia.edu |
Paul Tabor | Phone number and office (434) 832-7631 |
Trades Technician III | |
Facilities Management | TaborP@centralvirginia.edu |
Patrick Templeton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7716 |
Instructor | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | templetonp@centralvirginia.edu |
Kathy Thomas | Phone number and office (434) 832-7717 |
Assistant Professor | Office: 5237 |
Arts and Sciences | ThomasK@centralvirginia.edu |
Deborah Thompson | Phone number and office (434) 832-6695 |
Admin and Office Spec II | |
Bedford Center | ThompsonD@centralvirginia.edu |
Mark Tinsley | Phone number and office (434) 832-7637 |
Associate Vice President | Office: 5235 |
Arts and Sciences | TinsleyM@centralvirginia.edu |
Lois Tomlin | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | TomlinL@centralvirginia.edu |
Julia Torode | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | TorodeJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Stuart Trepanitis | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | trepanitiss@centralvirginia.edu |
Melissa Truman | Phone number and office (434) 832-7642 |
Applications Engineer | Office: 2212 |
Information Technology | TrumanM@centralvirginia.edu |
David Tucciarone | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | tucciaroned@centralvirginia.edu |
Thomas Turner | Phone number and office (434) 832-7650 |
Audio/Video Engineer | Office: 3207B |
Information Technology | turnert@centralvirginia.edu |
Michael Twery | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | TweryM@centralvirginia.edu |
Rickey Tyler | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | TylerR@centralvirginia.edu |
Stephanie Tyree | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Assistant Professor - Political Science | |
Arts and Sciences | TyreeS@centralvirginia.edu |
Briggs Underwood | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | UnderwoodB@centralvirginia.edu |
Stephen Underwood | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | UnderwoodS@centralvirginia.edu |
Claudia Van Dyke | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Arts and Sciences | VanDykeC@centralvirginia.edu |
Ernest Wade | Phone number and office (434) 832-7703 |
Associate Professor | Office: 2131 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | wadee@centralvirginia.edu |
Kayla Walling | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WallingK@centralvirginia.edu |
Susan Walton | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
EMS Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WaltonS@centralvirginia.edu |
Lucas Ward | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WardL@centralvirginia.edu |
Amanda Waters | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Machine Lab Assistant | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WatersA@centralvirginia.edu |
Chandre West | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | Office: Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WestC@centralvirginia.edu |
Neil White | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Assistant Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WhiteN@centralvirginia.edu |
Patricia White | Phone number and office (434) 832-7884 |
PR & Mktg Spec III | |
Institutional Advancement and Educational Foundation | WhiteT@centralvirginia.edu |
Paul Whittaker | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Lecturer | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WhittakerP@centralvirginia.edu |
Jemicka Wilborne | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Arts and Sciences | WilborneJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Tim Wilhelm | Phone number and office (434) 832-7688 |
Associate Professor | Office: 2303B |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | wilhelmt@centralvirginia.edu |
William Wilkerson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7786 |
Police Chief | Office: 2605 |
Campus Police | WilkersonW@centralvirginia.edu |
Cydney Williams | Phone number and office (434) 832-7214 |
Student Worker | |
TRIO Student Support Services | WilliamsC@centralvirginia.edu |
Thomas Williams | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | WilliamsT@centralvirginia.edu |
Glenda Williamson | Phone number and office (434) 832-6588 |
Administrative Assistant | Office: 3205 |
Student Success and Testing Center | WilliamsonG@centralvirginia.edu |
Tom Williamson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WilliamsonT@centralvirginia.edu |
Chrystal Wilson | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9- Month Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WilsonC@centralvirginia.edu |
Deborah Windsor | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | windsord@centralvirginia.edu |
Dana Wingfield | Phone number and office (434) 832-7779 |
Community College Counselor | |
Counseling | WingfieldD@centralvirginia.edu |
John Witt | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Instructor | |
Arts and Sciences | WittJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Sean Wood | Phone number and office (434) 832-7826 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WoodSM@centralvirginia.edu |
Brian Woodford | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Assistant Professor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WoodfordB@centralvirginia.edu |
Jennifer Wright | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
9 month-Instructor | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WrightJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Melvin Wright | Phone number and office (434) 832-7680 |
Adjunct Faculty | Office: 2416 |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | WrightM@centralvirginia.edu |
Anna Young | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Admin and Office Spec II | |
Accounting | YoungA@centralvirginia.edu |
Ephraim Zegeye | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Adjunct Faculty | |
Arts and Sciences | ZegeyeE@centralvirginia.edu |
Jane Zopfi | Phone number and office (434) 832-7659 |
Admin and Office Spec II | |
Professional and Career Studies/Workforce Solutions | ZopfiJ@centralvirginia.edu |
Micah Zug | Phone number and office (434) 832-7600 |
Student Worker | |
Arts and Sciences | ZugM@centralvirginia.edu |
Tabitha Zug | Phone number and office (434) 832-2091 |
Financial Aid Operations Specialist | |
Financial Aid | ZugT@centralvirginia.edu |