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CARES Act Funding: COVID-19 Outbreak Relief

CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1) Emergency Student Aid Portion

Spring 2020 CARES Act Emergency Fund Distribution Proposal for Central Virginia Community College


Disbursement of CARES Act Funds

CVCC is pleased to announce the college has received $908,909 in federal CARES Act funding to award to students whose educational progress has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Of this amount, a total of $908,908 has now been awarded to both full and part-time CVCC students.

Dean of Enrollment Management, Michael Farris said, "We are fully committed to our students’ ability to continue their academic progress and thankful for the role the CARES Act money will play in supporting that vital mission. We are strongly encouraging our students to use these funds to offset their incurred expenses caused by the pandemic.”  

CVCC has completed its plan for disbursing the aid as approved by the Virginia Community College System office (VCCS) in Richmond, VA.  It was determined that CARES Act aid allowed CVCC to provide funding to 854 half-time or greater and 88 less than half-time students who met the criteria for support for a total of 942 students being helped.  

“CVCC acknowledges the financial burden incurred by a majority of students during the 2019-2020 school year, and we encourage our students to continue to pursue their academic and career goals,” said Christopher Bryant, Vice President of Institutional Advancement. “We remain confident in our ability to provide an affordable and accessible education to our students to prepare them for the next step of their educational and career pathway.”

Using information provided on the student's FAFSA application, CVCC administered the federally directed aid to students who: 1. were non-dual enrolled students, 2. who were not exclusively online as of March 13, 2020, 3. demonstrated Title IV eligibility under Section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, and 4. had an expected family contribution (EFC) less than or equal to $23,616. The total number of students eligible to participate based on the criteria from the Department of Education would be 1,298 students. CVCC made awards to each student who met all four criteria points.

The college has now fully distributed the funding as fairly and equitably as possible to benefit the greatest number of students as required by the legislation.  

The qualified students should begin receiving their awards in the coming week.  

For more information please call the CVCC Financial Aid office at 434-832-7814

FAQ link:

Quarterly Update 10/7/2020:  As all CARES act funds allocated for student aid received by CVCC in April 2020 were disbursed directly to students upon initial receipt, there have been no changes to this information during the quarter ended 9/30/2020.  Any necessary changes to this information are monitored monthly, and are posted to this site accordingly.

Student Communications sent on May 18, 2020, from CVCC Dean of Enrollment Management

Subject: Important Notice About CARES Act Funding at CVCC 

Dear CVCC Student,  

As a result of Congress passing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, CVCC has been allocated $908,909 in emergency student aid to assist eligible students who incurred expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19. In accordance with guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education, CARES Act money will help students who incurred “expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child-care expenses.” Funds are designated to assist students with those expenses during the Spring 2020 semester while CVCC had transitioned to remote instruction and services.

As a result of this action, you have been identified as an eligible recipient for CARES Act funding in the amount of $350.00.  Students already registered with TMS who have elected for direct deposit of excess funds should begin seeing their portion of the CARES Act money being deposited on or shortly after 5/18/2020.  Students who had not previously elected for direct deposit will have a paper check issued to the address on file with CVCC Admissions and Records Office.  The checks will be delivered by USPS in an estimated 7-10 days.

At CVCC, we are fully committed to our students’ ability to continue their academic progress and thankful for the role CARES Act money will play in supporting that vital mission. We highly encourage you to use these funds to offset your incurred expenses caused directly by the pandemic, and hope it helps you continue your education and training with.  More information about these funds can be found on our website at

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and stay safe.


Michael C. Farris 
Dean of Enrollment Management

Subject: Important Notice About CARES Act Funding at CVCC 

Dear CVCC Student,  

As a result of Congress passing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, CVCC has been allocated $908,909 in emergency student aid to assist eligible students who incurred expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19. In accordance with guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education, CARES Act money will help students who incurred “expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child-care expenses.” Funds are designated to assist students with those expenses during the Spring 2020 semester while CVCC had transitioned to remote instruction and services. 

As a result of this action, you have been identified as an eligible recipient for CARES Act funding in the amount of $1028.23.  Students already registered with TMS who have elected for direct deposit of excess funds should begin seeing their portion of the CARES Act money being deposited on or shortly after 5/18/2020.  Students who had not previously elected for direct deposit will have a paper check issued to the address on file with CVCC Admissions and Records Office.  The checks will be delivered by USPS in an estimated 7-10 days.

At CVCC, we are fully committed to our students’ ability to continue their academic progress and thankful for the role CARES Act money will play in supporting that vital mission. We highly encourage you to use these funds to offset your incurred expenses caused directly by the pandemic, and hope it helps you continue your education and training with.  More information about these funds can be found on our website at

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and stay safe.


Michael C. Farris 
Dean of Enrollment Management

CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion, 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3)

In addition to the $908,909 in federal CARES Act Emergency Student Aid funding (Section 18004(a)(1) Student Aid Portion) received by CVCC and awarded to students whose educational progress had been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, CVCC was awarded $908,909 in federal CARES Act Institutional funding (Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion) to support costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to coronavirus.  CVCC was also awarded $90,467 through the Strengthening Institutions Program (SIPs) (Section 18004(a)(2) SIPs).  CVCC was not eligible for funding under Section 18004(a)(3).  As a requirement of the federal CARES Act funding, CVCC's Quarterly Budget & Expenditure Reporting is documented below.

Additional emergency financial aid grants to students:

In March 2021 (FY2021-Q3), CVCC awarded additional emergency financial aid grants to students using CARES Act Institutional Funding (Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion).  Awards of $577.12 per student were provided to 823 students for a total disbursement of $474,969.76.  CVCC used information provided on a student's 2020-2021 FAFSA to determine eligibility for the funding.  Students who met the following eligibility criteria received funding:  1. demonstrated Title IV eligibility under Section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 2. had an expected family contribution (EFC) less than or equal to 10,000, and 3. were enrolled half-time or above for Spring 2021 in aid eligible classes.  Of the 823 students awarded emergency financial aid grants, 336 were full-time and 487 were part-time.

In December 2021 (FY2021-Q2), CVCC awarded additional emergency financial aid grants to students using CARES Act Institutional Funding (Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion) in the amount of $276,100. CVCC awarded all PELL eligible students enrolled for Fall 2021 half time or above $300. There were 863 students for a total disbursement of $258,900. All PELL eligible students enrolled less than half time received $100. There were 172 students for a total disbursement of $17,200.

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 from HEERF III. All CVCC students enrolled in fall 2021 were awarded $750 in December 2021, regardless of enrollment status. There were 2,288 students totaling $1,716,000.

Additionally, a disbursement of $1,178,727 was completed from the American Rescue Plan (HEERF III) student funds to 2011 students in April 2022 (FY2022-Q4). CVCC awarded additional emergency financial aid CRRSAA grants to students using CARES Act Institutional Funding (Section 1800(a)(1) Institutional Portion). Funds were used in combination with American Rescue Plan (HEERF III) funds to ensure each enrolled student would receive a minimum of $361. A total of $3,293 of CARES Act Institutional Funding was used for approximately 9 students.

Awards were broken down into two categories. Students that qualified for federal Pell grant for spring that were enrolled half-time or greater received $500 per student. There were 905 students for a total disbursement of $452,500 from American Rescue Plan (HEERF III) funds. All eligible students received $361. There were a total of 2011 students enrolled for a total disbursement of $725,927 from American Rescue Plan (HEERF III) funds.

CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion, 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3)

In July 2021 (FY2021-Q4), CVCC awarded additional emergency financial aid grants to students using CARES Act Institutional Funding (Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion).  Awards were broken down into two categories. Students that qualified for federal Pell grant for summer received $750 per student. There were 544 students for a total disbursement of $408,000.  All remaining students enrolled in summer received $500 per student. There were 751 students for a total disbursement of $375,500. In all, there were 1,295 students who received a total of $783,500.

CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion, 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3)

In December 2021 (FY2022-Q1), CVCC awarded additional emergency financial aid CRRSAA grants to students using CARES Act Institutional Funding (Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion).  Awards were broken down into two categories. Students that qualified for federal Pell grant for fall that were enrolled half-time or greater received $300 per student. There were 863 students for a total disbursement of $258,900. Those eligible students enrolled less than half-time received $100. There were 172 students for a total disbursement of $17,200.

In addition, all students enrolled in fall received $750 per student from the American Rescue Plan (HEERF III). There were 2,288 students for a total disbursement of $1,716,000.

Supplemental Support under American Rescue Plan (SSARP) Section 2003(a)(3) Institutional Portion(a)(3)

In April 2023 (FY2023-Q2), CVCC awarded additional emergency financial aid ARP grants to students using SSARP Institutional Funding (Section2003(a)(3)). Awards were given to all regular enrolled, zero EFC PELL students. Each student received $487.44. In total, 682 students were awarded for a total disbursement of $332,434.08.

Quarterly Budget & Expenditure Reporting

2020-10-30_FY2021-Q1 (PDF)
2020-12-31_FY2021-Q2 (PDF)
2021-03-31_FY2021-Q3 (PDF)
2021-03-31_FY2021-Q3 amended (PDF)
2021-06-30_FY2021-Q4 (PDF)
2021-09-30_FY2022-Q1 (PDF)
00498800_HEERF_Q42021_01102022 (PDF)
00498800_HEERF_Q12022_04082022 (PDF)
00498800_HEERF_Q22022_07112022 (PDF)
00498800_HEERF_Q22022_07112022_AMENDED (PDF)
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00498800_HEERF_Q42022_01102023_AMENDED (PDF)
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00498800_HEERF_Q12023_04112023_AMENDED (PDF)
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