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Upcoming Events


CVCC Tour - Amherst Alternative School

Learn about academic programs, options, and opportunities at CVCC from transfer to trades, guaranteed admission to 4-year institutions, CVCC…

Coming Soon


Liberty HS - CVCC Tour

Learn about academic programs, options, and opportunities at CVCC from transfer to trades, guaranteed admission to 4-year institutions, CVCC…

Coming Soon


Pi Day

Come celebrate Pi Day in the Ridgecat Den from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM!

Share Your Success!

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"Thanks to my mom, and the outstanding staff at CVCC, I’m now a certified clinical medical assistant. I found a job after completing the program and will be continuing my education at Centra College of Nursing to become a licensed practical nurse."

– SaKieya Royster Class 0f 2021